On February 19, 2024, Sony LIV unveiled the trailer for their upcoming political drama Maharani 3: Rise Rule Revenge, the third installment of the hit web series "Maharani." Directed by Saurabh Bhave, the series features Huma Qureshi as Rani Bharti and Amit Sial as Navin Kumar, reprising their roles from previous seasons as the female lead and male lead respectively. Vineet Kumar, Sohum Shah, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Pramod Pathak, Kani Kusruti, Anuja Sathe, Sushil Pandey will be seen in supporting roles. The web series will premiere on Sony LIV on 7th March 2024.
The two-and-a-half-minute trailer hints at a potential political clash between Rani Bharti and Navin Kumar. Rani Bharti, accused of murdering her husband, finds herself serving time in jail. Navin Kumar, her husband, visits her and encourages her to pursue her education, including completing her graduation and Ph.D., as she faces another 15-20 years behind bars.
A planned attack on Rani Bharti's children on their way back from school sets off a chain of events. The tragedy of 54 deaths due to the consumption of spurious liquor from Siwan to Nakhdumabad prompts Rani Bharti to push for her bail. The series' script is penned by Subhash Kapoor, Nandan Singh, and Umashankar Singh. Additionally, the cast includes Vineet Kumar, Sohum Shah, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Pramod Pathak, Kani Kusruti, Anuja Sathe, and Sushil Pandey.
The trailer concludes with a powerful line from Huma Qureshi: "Bandook Kamjor Log Chalate Hai, Samajdar Log Dimag." The anticipated face-off between Huma Qureshi and Amit Sial promises to be a highlight of Season 3. Moreover, Huma Qureshi will also feature in "Pooja Meri Jaan."
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