On March 1st, 2024, actor Bonny Sengupta unveiled the first look poster of his upcoming film, Robin's Kitchen. Directed by Bappa, the film also stars Priyanka Sarkar as the female lead opposite Bonny Sengupta, with Shantanu Nath in a supporting role.
The first look poster showcases Bonny Sengupta and Priyanka Sarkar in a kitchen, with chicken pieces on the plate. The film has been produced by Mukesh Kumar Pandey under the banner of Pandey Motion Pictures.
The story of Robin's Kitchen has been penned by the director, Bappa, himself, while the screenplay has been crafted by Sashreek Ganguli. Anujit Kundu will handle the cinematography, and Sayantan Nag will serve as the editor and colorist for the film. The official release date of the film has not been announced yet.
Bonny Sengupta and Priyanka Sarkar recently collaborated in Ahalya. Apart from Robin's Kitchen, Bonny Sengupta will also be featured in upcoming films like Aayurekha, "Dear Diary," and Hungama dot com. Similarly, Priyanka Sarkar will be seen in upcoming films such as "Dhappa" and "Radio."