On 5th April 2024, Club 11 Entertainment unveiled the official trailer of their upcoming romantic drama Could Be Us. Parsa Evana, Sabbir Arnav, Shaswat Dutta, and Shagufta Ahmed Yarabini will be seen in the lead roles in this drama directed by Sheikh Nazmul Huda Emon.
The 1 minute 42 seconds trailer reveals a brief about the plot, which revolves around two couples: one in real life and the other in reel life, portrayed by Parsa Evana & Sabbir Arnav, and Shaswat Dutta & Shagufta Ahmed Yarabini respectively.
Parsa Evana's character expects love and care from her husband, portrayed by Sabbir Arnav, after watching the love between Shaswat Dutta & Shagufta Ahmed Yarabini, who set the example of a perfect couple in reel life. Sabbir Arnav tries to make his wife understand that there is a huge difference between people portraying their lives in a 30-second reel and real-life couples. How their love life progresses, overcoming various obstacles will be unveiled in the drama.
The story and screenplay of Could Be Us have been written by Sheikh Nazmul Huda Emon, and the drama has been produced by Akbor Haider Munna.