On May 10th, 2024, Bongo Movies unveiled the official teaser of their upcoming romantic film, Fatima, directed by Dhrubo Hasan. The film stars Tasnia Farin and Yash Rohan in the lead roles.
The 1 minute 45 seconds teaser depicts a fearful Tasnia Farin, who appears scared without apparent reason. She reminisces about happier times filled with hope and love, spent with her family and her love interest, Yash Rohan. The teaser raises questions about why she is now consumed by fear.
Tasnia Farin delivers a standout performance in the teaser, portraying a character distinct from her previous roles. Yash Rohan also features in the teaser but has no dialogue. The chemistry between Tasnia Farin and Yash Rohan promises to be a major highlight of the film. Additionally, the background score adds to the teaser's appeal. "Fatima" is set to hit theaters on May 24th, 2024.
This year, Tasnia Farin and Yash Rohan have appeared in dramas such as Ei Din Sei Din and "#Sorry Amit."