On 18th May 2024, Chorki unveiled the official trailer of their upcoming thriller Kaalpurush, directed by Salzar Rahman. The series, starring Nayeem, Chanchal Chowdhury, and Tanjika Amin, will be released on Chorki on 23rd May 2024.
The nearly 3-minute trailer shows Chanchal Chowdhury portraying a character with no history, no identity, who is accused of murder. Nayeem plays the investigating officer, a character who is constantly fearful. Tanjika Amin portrays Nayeem’s partner, who is always trying to encourage him to be more courageous and proactive in the investigation.
Chanchal Chowdhury’s character is said to have come from the past with the ability to take people back in time. When Nayeem requests him to take him to the day the murder occurred, both characters—despite not believing in luck—embark on this journey. Who is the killer? Will Nayeem be able to find out?
The trailer of Salzar Rahman’s upcoming thriller Kaalpurush looks promising. The most impactful part is Chanchal Chowdhury’s character. The trailer's editing is well done, maintaining suspense and keeping major elements hidden. Nayeem as the fearful officer looks convincing. Although Tanjika Amin did not get much screen time in the trailer, she appears decent in her role. The background score also makes a strong impression. Chanchal Chowdhury will be also seen in Raihan Rafi's upcoming film Toofan.